Yesterday Mark went to three interviews in the AM. One was at a hotel, apartment, and an agency. Today he has two more appointments with agencies. Hopefully one of them will have work for him soon. Please keep praying for him.
When Mark got home yesterday the boys asked him to take them fishing. Mark is so thoughtful, he took them and let me stay home and have some quite time! It was much needed. I have not had any quite time with nothing to do in a long time. I sat and read my book for three hours! It was so relaxing and peaceful to just read in the silence. The book I am reading right now is Blink of an Eye by Ted Dekker. Christian book- Great story, worth you money to buy or if you want I can send it to you when I am done with it, probably tonight or tomorrow AM. Let me know.
40 more days till the boys go back to school.......LOL
The pictures look great. You all look like you're having fun. Especially, parking the car on the back porch. I thought I would cry laughting so hard! Take care Sweetie. Your bog is a great way to stay "connected" to family and friends. Much love and hugs!
wow, they don't make yards like that in California anymore! So happy that the boys have some place where they can expend their energy (ok, probably not ALL their energy... maybe half of it!).
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