Monday, May 18, 2009

Lots of stuff all at the same time

I have been going going going and haven't stopped to blog. A few things on my mind today:

1. I had a GREAT weekend with my boys at the mom and me camp out with the cub scouts. It was a great time of bonding with Marcus and Zachery. We did ALL the activities, including kayaking, crafts, BB guns, scavenger hunt, hiking trails, and I even raced them a few times up the rock wall. One of the things I learned this weekend, being around other moms and their boys, is that I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE, who has a high energy child that does not always listen and that is not always behaving. Sometimes I think I am the only one in the world that deals with this. I know I am not, it is just the enemy trying to get inside me.
2. This weekend I made 3 new lady friends!! God is so good to me and places me in situations where I can make friends and get to know other ladies that are in the same season of life as me. These ladies also like to do the same activities that Mark and I and the boys like to do! I have been thinking about them since I got home, I found them on Face Book, and now I pray for opportunities to have fun with our families! Oh! They are all 3 Christians, so that is an added bonus :-)
3. Bible Study has been great. I am learning so much. I could be learning so much more if I was doing my homework each night and really devoting time to God like I should. Today our study fell right in line with that and I am even more convicted to get my priorities in order. I have a great leader who is patient and understanding and meets us all right where we are. Could I ask for more? not really.
4. Today I am thankful that my husband is making friends and hanging out with them. Yesterday he had the chance to go on a bike ride out to Hot Springs with his friend. Mark said it was a beautiful ride and a place he wants to take me to. I was frustrated when the day moved on and he was still gone when I put the boys to bed at 830. My thoughts were the boys and I have been gone all weekend long and shouldn't he be rushing home to see us? Well I got over that quickly as I realized I was being selfish with his time and that he really deserved to have "Male Bonding Time."
5. I need to be spending more time in prayer. I have lots of things I need to give to God. I also have friends that I could/should be praying for. I know of many issues (mine and others') that need to be lifted up to Him. So! If you have something I can add to my prayer list for you, let me know :-)

All in All, everything is great at the Funches residence!


Jen said...

You are in my prayers! What a blessed week...

Rebecca Boganwright said...

The song is called 'To Know Your Name." Its Hillsong. If you go onto you might be able to find it, or if you just google it for lyrics. I know they are on itunes as well. Hope this helps!