Friday, July 30, 2010

I am alive

I cant believe that it has been 3 months since i have posted a blog update. Alot has been going on here at the Funches house.

The boys are in CA for another 2 weeks. They have been gone for the 2.5 weeks. Mark and I have been enjoying our free time. This is the only time we get all year without the kids :-)

When they get back we will be heading to my Dad house in SC. This will be the second year in a row that we vacationed there the week before school starts back. We are all very excited about it.

In Sept. Mark and I will be starting the PRIDE classes to be licensed foster parents. This will be a fun and new adventure in our lives and sure to be full of ups and downs. We know God is calling us to this so we are trusting Him for everything during the process. He will provide.

Last night I went with the Calvary Ladies up to another Calvary Ladie's house and we had dinner and fellowship and prayer. It is the second time we have done that and both times have been a complete blessing to us all.

Last night, Angie asked me to be in her wedding!! Im so excited for her and her future husband. I am also very excited to be called her friend, help her with planning the event, getting to arrange for her bridal shower and what ever else she may need or want along the way.

God is doing amazing things in our lives right now. We are open and excited about each and every one. We are always happy to wake up and wonder what He has in store for us for that day.

So there you go, a quick update with highlights from the Funches household!

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