Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Brain Dump #3

I will trust the Lord. I will trust the Lord. I will I will I will. Must remember this.

One of the lessons we learned at CCWR was to trust the Lord and when doing so I will have His peace. I like the idea. I think it is way easier said than done. I am real quick to pray and talk to God about things but I have a hard time LEAVING them at His feet. I like to pick them back up and think about them some more and more and more.... I learned that I need to worry about nothing and pray about everything. I am doing the second half well and well I'm working on the first half :-) I think the real problem is my "I'VE got to have everything under control 100% of the time" way of thinking needs to change. I like order. I like knowing my plans. I love knowing I am saved by grace cause God is cringing at my worriedness right now. I knew that since this is the way I am, and that He has a huge sence of humor, He would be sure to give me a lesson in this area right away and sure enough He has wasted NOOOO time getting right to it!

Our renters gave 30 day notice to our management company yesterday. This is our first time dealing with one tenant moving out and another moving in.....hopefully soon. We were always afraid of this day. The wondering of how long our house will be empty. How long before we have new renters. How much will they be willing to pay? How much will we have to pay to cover the mortgage and for how many months will the house be empty. What does our house look like? How much work and money will it take to get it back to rentable condition? AAAHHHH all these questions running through my head.

Oh Lord, I come to you now with these thoughts. I trust you with them now, Lord. Please go before us, and bless our current renters in their new rental house, that it would be a perfect fit for them, their kids and their dogs. Lord, please bring us new renters in your perfect timing, hopefully soon. Please give Mark and I your peace during this transition. Help me to leave this at your feet and not pick it back up. I truly want to give this over to you. Please guide Mark and I as we have to make the decisions for our plan to move forward. Thank you for hearing my heart. Amen

Monday, March 29, 2010

Brain Dump #2

Foods!!! This is another area God spoke to me about this weekend!

So we are NOT the healthiest eaters in this world. Shock shock!! Well lets be honest, you would for sure put us in the "Horrible Eaters" group. But I am going to attempt to change that a bit! Now don't go falling off your rockers, because I don't think we will be eating any more veggies than we do now, but I plan to change other areas of our diet. The first one is we are going to switch from white bread to wheat bread. We are out of bread at the moment, so now is the perfect time to make the switch. Another change, I will be adding fruit to every meal we eat. I told the boys this morning on the way to school that for now on we will be eating fruit with our meals unless they would rather I make veggies. Well I am sure you know how that went!! They choose fruit. I have lots of it in the house. Fresh green and red apples, oranges, grapes. I have canned peaches and pears. I am going to increase the monthly fruit budget to help in this area.
Another change will be healthier after school snacks. Like less chips and cookies and more peanut butter with crackers. Or cheese and crackers. Or sandwiches.
We also will not be drinking sodas. Now we already hardly ever have them, but for now I wont be buying any soda at all. I know this wont be hard to implement because Mark does not ask for soda for work either. We do tend to eat out more than we should. Especially when we have full cupboards and a full freezer. I will be making more of an effort to plan ahead for dinner meals. I will HAVE to remember to take out some meat to defrost. That is the main problem. I forgot about the meat. Moving forward my goal is to be better about that! I also need to make sure that I remember my family first before all other things that cloud my mind. I forget that we have busy nights and that I need to cook dinner before we leave the house in the evenings. I can not continue to think that I can cook a good meal after boy scouts or after base ball practice.
So there you have it! Brain dump #2. It sounds like I need to prioritize and make better decisions for our family. And that starts NOW!! Please pray for us!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Lots to do

WOW! I had an amazing time this weekend at the Calvary Chapel Women's Retreat in the Ozarks, AR. The drive up with beautiful. I had lots of drive time to look at the surrounds all around me, knowing each and every thing I saw was perfectly created by the one and only God. Who else could have do all this? It was the prefect way to start out a weekend that was all about Him and what He is doing and going to do in my life. I knew at this point that I was in for a God filled time with lovely ladies that love the Lord as I do. What I didn't know, is that in my opinion, I have so much more learning and loving to do. To see the love of Jesus pour out of these ladies was so inspiring and I could do nothing but take it all in and weep. Weep for the fact that I thought I loved Jesus will all I had, and I clearly saw that He wants to much more of me, so much more of my life, so much more of my heart, so much of my mind, so much more of ME as a whole! and the fun thing is that I am ready to give it to Him. I know its not going to happen over night. I know that loves grows as the relationship grows. I know that that relationship can not grow if I am not talking to him daily, reading his word daily, and implementing it in my life daily.
We were challenged a lot this weekend to give our WHOLE life over to Jesus. That's whats he wants from us. I kept hearing over and over in my head the one area that I have been holding onto so tightly is what I read. I have subscriptions to People magazine and US magazine. I know that I should give those up and I will. I also know that He wants me to give up the majority of my unread books as I know they are not appropriate material for a Christian lady to be reading. The funny thing is that I have had all these books for the last 4-5 years and have not read them. I got them all on sale at Barns and Noble back in CA. But since then, I have been reading all Christan novels, books from church, and Godly books loaned to me by other Christian ladies. My heart has not even been to read these other unread books, but I didn't want to give them up. Well I am finally ready to. I am going to post them to http://www.paperbackswap.com tonight and when I trade them and I am going to get all Christian books. I am very excited about this change in my heart. I am realizing that I was holding onto materialist things (books) instead of my relationship with Christ. I know this may seem pretty lame, but for me this is a big deal. Please pray that I would desire to draw closer to Jesus. This is my prayer and I am going to try everyday to evaluate what I could be doing to please Him with my obedience.
I have so much more to "download" from this weekend. So the blog will be full of "brain dump" for a while to come! If I can be an inspiration to someone else to grow in their own relationship with Jesus, it will be worth it to share my thoughts and progress with others.

Blessing! Angie

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Adventure Begins

I always feel like I am going on an adventure when I start the process of planning for a missions trip. It is a fun adventure with lots of unknowns. This trip will be much the same. I have been down to Mexico many many times. Loved each and every visit. This time I am going to the complete opposite side of Mexico, down on the Yucatan area. Merida is a city of about 1M people. I am told it is safe, clean, and only a short drive to the coast lines. Right now the exciting thing to me is that I will be staying with a host family instead of staying in a hotel. The not so exciting thing to me is thinking about what am I going to eat??? LOL You may think that is crazy, but if you know me, you know how picky of an eater I am. This is always a challenge for me when I leave home. This trip I will view it as an adventure and will hopefully be able to try some new foods. I will keep you posted.

If you would like to be apart of my prayer team, please email me at afunches@cableone.net so I can add you to my group!

Prayer Team/Support letters are going out today. If you get one, can you pls pray over it and see where the Lord leads you? Once I get the funds raised I can focus on other important stuff!!


Thursday, March 25, 2010

God clearly said "Go!"

And go I will!

Dear Family and Friends,

I remember my last missions trip to Kenya like it was yesterday, even though it was over three years ago! Many families were blessed beyond measure during that trip. The Gospel was shared, lives were given to Jesus, hearts were changed, medical outreaches occurred in the “bush” and many other great things happened, all to give glory to God!

My heart has longed to go on another trip and continue the good work of sharing the gospel and loving on others in whatever ways possible, but I heard God say “be still” and so I have been obedient “being still!”

After being still for 3 years, focusing on other areas of life, and much prayer, God has said, “Go!”

Our church Calvary Chapel Texarkana with Pastor Craig Rose, has been invited to visit Calvary Chapel Merida, Mexico for a special week of training teachers, church members, and children on the topic of Creation vs. Evolution based on the teachings of the Bible. We will be leading classes teaching this very basic, very important subject for the majority of the time. A VBS style teaching will be held for the children of the church and surrounding community.

The details are being worked out and that leaves me with two tasks to complete! The 1st would be a team to focus on prayer covering during the trip and the 2nd is raising the amount I need to cover the expenses J

Roundtrip airfare is $395.00

Food is estimated at $25.00/day X 8 days $200.00

We will be staying with church families J so no hotel cost!!

Travel within the Merida area $50.00

Incidentals $100.00

Estimated total $750.00

More than financial assistance, the team and I will need A LOT of prayer covering!!

Would you please pray about what your role in supporting me might look like? Our trip is from June 11th thru June 19th. I do need to have raised the amount of $750 by April 20, 2010. I know the Lord said “Go” and go I will! With His clear directions to me, I know He will raise the funds to see glory given to His name!

If you would like to be a part of my prayer covering team please email me @ afunches@cableone.net

If you are able to be a part of my financial support team, please see the attached sheet for all the details.

Thank you so much!

Angie Funches

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


You know your raising boys when they feel the need to tell you how big and what shape their poop comes out in.