Wednesday, December 31, 2008
An adventure for sure!
We left for California last Saturday and returned late last night and it was an adventure for sure! The drive out was not too bad, the boys were awesome, truck did great! We arrived on Sunday evening, got showered and went to Central Community for the Children's Christmas Program. We all went home, I changed my clothes and went back to church so I could go to the streets of skid row in LA for Jackets for Jesus. I was so happy to be able to make this annual Christmas Party on the streets as I have for the last 4 years. The next day was busy with helping our friends get a storage unit for their stuff and I had a date with my small group ladies for dinner. It was so nice and refreshing to be around them and share what we have all been up to for the last 6 months. It felt like I had just left yesterday since most of us have been in touch. Tuesday was full with moving everything in storage so T & M could make the move to TX. Oh I also got my hair done and had lunch with Dorothy!! I love seeing my friends and spending time with them. Wednesday was more moving into storage! Went home around 7ish, had dinner, then started a game of Monopoly with the boys. That was fun. All 4 of us playing, on teams! We paused the game at 12:30 am. Went to bed. Was woken up at 3:00am Christmas Eve by Ozell, Mark's mom, fainting and hitting the wall and floor hard. We flew out of bed, Mark at her side trying to wake her, me on the phone with 911 since she could not talk and was laboring to breath. SCARY SCARY SCARY!! Fire dept came, ambulance came, they took her to the ER. Mark went with her, I stayed home with the boys, who never woke up during all of the drama, and I called the family to let them know what happened. A few hours later they were back home, Docs ruled out stroke and Heart Attack and said it was a BAD case of anti gas (??) that put too put pressure on her diaphrame and caused her to faint. WOW we were so happy to hear that!! Went to bed for a few hours, woke up Christmas AM for fun, food, and presents, and LOTS of calls from family checking up on Ozell. We planned to leave this day to go to my brothers in AZ but decided to stay the night to make sure all was well with Ozell. Up in the am, off to AZ. got there and had tons of fun for the next couple days. My whole family was there, Mom, Nat, Nick, Shane and all the kids. It was great! I hope we can do this every year. We should have left to come home on Sunday AM but we were waiting for T & M to meet us, however that did not happen. They were having trouble pulling the car and trailer with their big 4x4 truck. So we went back to Desert Center to help them but pulling the trailer with our truck. Our motivation was that we were scared they would fish tail out of control and roll the truck/trailer. We hooked up the trailer, got on the freeway and our worst nightmare came true. We fish tailed the trailer, lost control and almost went over the side of the freeway. We dented up the driver side of the truck and dropped the trailer for T & M to deal with. AAA came and got the car off the trailer, we went to Blythe to get a room. T brought the trailer to the hotel room and we all got a few much needed hours of sleep. Woke up Monday AM. T had to figure out what to do with the trailer, we left and went back to AZ to get our boys and get on the road to come home. We drove to Benson, AZ got a room, relaxed and got some good sleep, got up Tuesday AM and drove the rest of the way home. About 130 miles from home we stopped to get gas and heard our truck's valves ticking. Our hearts just sunk to the ground. We just wanted to get home. We had to put 4 QTs of oil in the engine. We kept driving just hoping we would make it home without the engine freezing up. We stopped about 20 miles later to let Z go potty and the ticking was gone!! Mark said we would be fine and I relaxed. When we pulled in the drive way we were so excited! We unloaded our cooler with our meat and went right to bed!!! A long adventure, lots of issues, but even more blessings. We are thankful for the time we had with our friends and families!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
What have I done???
I have created internet monsters. They both know how to go to their favorite websites. They know that they are not allowed to go to any sites I dont enter for them. If I allowed them to they would be on here all night long.
Zachery is listening to the Jonas Brothers web site and playing games on

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Its another B-day party!!
Matthew, Marcus's best friend here, turned 10 last weekend. This weekend he had his B-day party at the bowling alley. Yummy pizza, soda, and cake! Does it get any better?
Out with the old, in with the new, again~
Just in time for the cold winter weather, Mark got the final window replaced
with the new vinyl double pane windows. Three of the rooms look like this one. It really is two separate windows combined to make one. 

Saturday, December 13, 2008
When this is what you see at 3:45 p.m. it can mean only one thing. Cold season has invaded our home. The school called and told me he was not feeling well, had a 102 deg temp, and a very red throat.

When we left the doctors office, 25 minutes later, we had a bunch of free samples, a prescription for Amoxicillian and a recipe for some cute Reindeer Cookies. Wal-Mart filled the script for $4!

I wish he slept like this every night. Oh! and his teacher said he was perfect today. hhhuummm
I let him sleep for an hour before the clinic opened up at 5 p.m.

We are sitting in the waiting room and what a nice surprise....we are the only ones in there! This is a first for us. California would have had a min 1 hour wait.

Marcus trying to entertain us while we wait.

Friday, December 12, 2008
Two new houses....
For these two girls!!
They are always trying to come in the house because it is staying colder now. We always have them in at night but during the day we try to leave them out so they can run, play, have fresh air... do dogie things. Mark and I knew we needed to get them houses with the weather changing, but we didn't really have the extra money right now with the holidays. I told a friend I was looking for dog houses so if she came across someone selling one for cheap she could keep us in mind.
Last week she brought this one to me. I still need to wash it out but Mark put some blankets in it and Bella claimed it as home.
Today, this same friend brought me this one! This one is really dirty! I need to wash it out before Chloe can use it. Do you see the sunroof in the top of it? Chloe has some type of phobia when she can not see up so I am hoping she will use this house since it has the sun roof. God knew exactly what we needed to care for our dogs and he provided it just when we needed it. God is TOO GOOD. Whats even better? Both of these houses were given to us for FREE!! Can you believe it? God has taken care of Mark and I and every need we have, it really is amazing how faithful He is. This adds to our awesome testimony. We are joyful in the little things.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
What will they do for a treat?

When he saw the other kids at church eating their treats he asked if he could have one. I said no since he had not eaten ANY food.
Then he brings in this salad covered in Ranch and asked if he ate it could he have a treat. I said absolutely. Can you believe he ate all he put on his plate and did not complain one word? I was so happy. He enjoyed his treat. I will be praying this is not the last salad he eats. Now if I can get Marcus to try it..... :-)
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Wall oven

Last sleeping issues
Thank you everyone who shared some advise with me regarding my son's sleeping issues. Last night was a great night. He did not wake up once! We prayed with him and played Christian music on his radio. Today I am going to sit and write down all the scriptures you shared and start with that tonight. He is still sleeping with his brother and that helps. The problem is his brother is 9 and will be wanting his privacy soon so I need to start moving him into his own room little by little. Parenting never ends!
God is showing me many things in this season of life. 1- He loves me. 2- I am not perfect. 3-it is OK to reach out and ask for support-even from people you may not know. 4- I should always be humble and know that others are sharing in the same issues as I am. 5- God gave me these gifts because He knew I could handle it, even when I am so frustrated and ready to give up. 6- He is showing me that I have not be focusing on and trusting Him enough and I need to! 7- He gave me the perfect husband that delites in raising our boys.
Thank you everyone, I feel loved.
God is showing me many things in this season of life. 1- He loves me. 2- I am not perfect. 3-it is OK to reach out and ask for support-even from people you may not know. 4- I should always be humble and know that others are sharing in the same issues as I am. 5- God gave me these gifts because He knew I could handle it, even when I am so frustrated and ready to give up. 6- He is showing me that I have not be focusing on and trusting Him enough and I need to! 7- He gave me the perfect husband that delites in raising our boys.
Thank you everyone, I feel loved.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Night scares

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Marcus left today for his trip to NASA with Boy Scouts! I am so happy that we joined this organization. The best part of it is that the goal is to strengthen the bond between the scouts and God and their families. We can use all the help in this area we can get. He packed his bags last night and was up and ready to go at 4:30 a.m. even though we did not need to leave till 7:45 a.m.

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Little gifts
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Winter and 25 degree weather
Now this is what winter should be like. Right now in California it is still in the 80s. We have been so excited to have a true winter, now that it is here..... we NEED jackets. Marcus already lost his. Mark and I are going to make a trip to the thrift stores today. We cant $30-$50 on jackets when they loose them like they cost $5.
I pray every night that the cold and ice does not get the better of this tree. We got a quote to have it taken down for $800. It is the cheapest so far. Anyone want to donate towards the cause? :-)
I pray every night that the cold and ice does not get the better of this tree. We got a quote to have it taken down for $800. It is the cheapest so far. Anyone want to donate towards the cause? :-)
Monday, December 1, 2008
Christmas Plans
We will be heading back to Cali for Christmas and I am making plans to meet with friends and family while we are there. If you are available and would like to hook up, please let me know so I can make arrangements. I would love to see all of you but not sure what your schedules look like. For my small group ladies, Nicole and Anna are arranging for a dinner date on Monday before Christmas. Please talk to one of them. The more the better and the more fun it will be. I hope you ALL can make it. It would mean a lot to me.
This is how happy I am when thinking about getting to have lunch or dinner with my friends and getting to catch up and share what we have been up to. Only 3 more weeks!!

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