For these two girls!!

They are always trying to come in the house
because it is staying colder now. We always have them in at night but during the day we try to leave them out so they can run, play, have fresh air... do
dogie things. Mark and I knew we needed to get them houses with the weather changing, but we
didn't really have the extra money right now with the holidays. I told a friend I was looking for dog houses so if she came across someone selling one for cheap she could keep us in mind.

Last week she brought this one to me. I still need to wash it out but Mark put some blankets in it and Bella claimed it as home.

Today, this same friend brought me this one! This one is really dirty! I need to wash it out before Chloe can use it. Do you see the sunroof in the top of it? Chloe has some type of phobia when she can not see up so I am hoping she will use this house since it has the sun roof. God knew exactly what we needed to care for our dogs and he provided it just when we needed it. God is TOO GOOD. Whats even better? Both of these houses were given to us for FREE!! Can you believe it? God has taken care of Mark and I and every need we have, it really is amazing how faithful He is. This adds to our awesome testimony. We are joyful in the little things.
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