Friday, October 16, 2009
bad dogs!
We have two big dogs that like to get out of the back yard even though it is 1/3 of an acre. We live on a semi busy street and that is not good when they get out. So we have decided to hot wire the fence. The day Mark got it installed, Chloe went up and over and we thought maybe she didn't get popped. Right now I just let her off the leash and she TRIED going UNDER the fence, and got popped again. It is not like her to go under the fence. We have never seen her do that. I am thinking that she indeed DID get popped when she went over the other day. I am now in the house and she is in the back yard, not on a leash. I am praying that she will still be in the back yard every time I check on her. Then we will have victory over the dogs getting out and they can enjoy being dogs again and not staying on a leash all the time. Also, we must have victory because it is now ILLEGAL to have your animals tied up on a leash or chain. They have to be free roaming, WE WANT THEM FREE ROAMING, but in the BACK yard!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
6 vs 10
This is a simple way to see the mental difference between an almost 7 year old and a solid 10 year old.

Monday, August 31, 2009
Last year we started playing sports with Basketball. This year we are adding Soccer to the lineup. Last week Zachery started practice and had a great time. The only problem is he talks so much.... Im sure in the next few practices he will be running some laps for this. Better for him to learn now than later. Marcus starts practice this week. Add this to Bible Study on Wed nights and Boy Scouts on Monday nights and we are a very busy family. Our intention is to keep them so busy with sports and church and Boy Scouts that there will be no time for getting into trouble in later years! Lets see if it works......

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Its been awile!

This is the view of the ocean from our hotel. I would sit on the balcony in the mornings before Mark and the boys woke up and just listen to the waves and enjoy the peace in them.
So its been a LLLOOONNNG time since I have blogged. It has been a good summer and a slow summer for us. The boys spent almost 5 weeks back in CA with our families. They had a great time. Before the left, Ozell, Mark's mom came to visit for 2 weeks. She took the boys back with her. When they returned to us, they brought with them, my mom. See visited with us for 1 week. We enjoyed all the visits and our quiet time while we were alone. Our summer ended with a family vacation to Myrtle Beach, SC to visit my dad and step mother. It was a fun and very relaxing time. Mark and I think it was our most relaxing vacation since we married 10 years ago. Enjoy the pics. Now that school is back in session I will be blogging more.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Lots of stuff all at the same time
I have been going going going and haven't stopped to blog. A few things on my mind today:
1. I had a GREAT weekend with my boys at the mom and me camp out with the cub scouts. It was a great time of bonding with Marcus and Zachery. We did ALL the activities, including kayaking, crafts, BB guns, scavenger hunt, hiking trails, and I even raced them a few times up the rock wall. One of the things I learned this weekend, being around other moms and their boys, is that I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE, who has a high energy child that does not always listen and that is not always behaving. Sometimes I think I am the only one in the world that deals with this. I know I am not, it is just the enemy trying to get inside me.
2. This weekend I made 3 new lady friends!! God is so good to me and places me in situations where I can make friends and get to know other ladies that are in the same season of life as me. These ladies also like to do the same activities that Mark and I and the boys like to do! I have been thinking about them since I got home, I found them on Face Book, and now I pray for opportunities to have fun with our families! Oh! They are all 3 Christians, so that is an added bonus :-)
3. Bible Study has been great. I am learning so much. I could be learning so much more if I was doing my homework each night and really devoting time to God like I should. Today our study fell right in line with that and I am even more convicted to get my priorities in order. I have a great leader who is patient and understanding and meets us all right where we are. Could I ask for more? not really.
4. Today I am thankful that my husband is making friends and hanging out with them. Yesterday he had the chance to go on a bike ride out to Hot Springs with his friend. Mark said it was a beautiful ride and a place he wants to take me to. I was frustrated when the day moved on and he was still gone when I put the boys to bed at 830. My thoughts were the boys and I have been gone all weekend long and shouldn't he be rushing home to see us? Well I got over that quickly as I realized I was being selfish with his time and that he really deserved to have "Male Bonding Time."
5. I need to be spending more time in prayer. I have lots of things I need to give to God. I also have friends that I could/should be praying for. I know of many issues (mine and others') that need to be lifted up to Him. So! If you have something I can add to my prayer list for you, let me know :-)
All in All, everything is great at the Funches residence!
1. I had a GREAT weekend with my boys at the mom and me camp out with the cub scouts. It was a great time of bonding with Marcus and Zachery. We did ALL the activities, including kayaking, crafts, BB guns, scavenger hunt, hiking trails, and I even raced them a few times up the rock wall. One of the things I learned this weekend, being around other moms and their boys, is that I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE, who has a high energy child that does not always listen and that is not always behaving. Sometimes I think I am the only one in the world that deals with this. I know I am not, it is just the enemy trying to get inside me.
2. This weekend I made 3 new lady friends!! God is so good to me and places me in situations where I can make friends and get to know other ladies that are in the same season of life as me. These ladies also like to do the same activities that Mark and I and the boys like to do! I have been thinking about them since I got home, I found them on Face Book, and now I pray for opportunities to have fun with our families! Oh! They are all 3 Christians, so that is an added bonus :-)
3. Bible Study has been great. I am learning so much. I could be learning so much more if I was doing my homework each night and really devoting time to God like I should. Today our study fell right in line with that and I am even more convicted to get my priorities in order. I have a great leader who is patient and understanding and meets us all right where we are. Could I ask for more? not really.
4. Today I am thankful that my husband is making friends and hanging out with them. Yesterday he had the chance to go on a bike ride out to Hot Springs with his friend. Mark said it was a beautiful ride and a place he wants to take me to. I was frustrated when the day moved on and he was still gone when I put the boys to bed at 830. My thoughts were the boys and I have been gone all weekend long and shouldn't he be rushing home to see us? Well I got over that quickly as I realized I was being selfish with his time and that he really deserved to have "Male Bonding Time."
5. I need to be spending more time in prayer. I have lots of things I need to give to God. I also have friends that I could/should be praying for. I know of many issues (mine and others') that need to be lifted up to Him. So! If you have something I can add to my prayer list for you, let me know :-)
All in All, everything is great at the Funches residence!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Its the dogs AGAIN!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Please help send Jen out to serve our Lord!
Hello Friends and Family!
I am writing to you on behalf of a dear friend of mine, Jen. Jen is leaving in a few months to serve in the missions field for the next 2 years. As you all know it takes a lot of spiritual and financial support to make this happen. As she nears the end of her time stateside she still has a LOT of funds to raise. Would you please prayerfully consider supporting her either spiritually or financially? I have her support sign up sheet and a detailed budget showing you where the money is going. Please let me know if you are interested and I can email you these forms! Any and all amounts are appreciated as they add up before you know it! Below is a letter from Jen sharing her heart for missions.
I hope this letter finds you well! This year has gone by fast, and amazing things have been happening in my life that I am excited to share with you all!
As most of you know, I have been working on my Creative Writing Certificate from Cal State San Bernardino. English and creative writing have been a passion of mine, and a field that I’ve been blessed to work in before.
Even though I finished my Bachelor’s in English last June, I really felt that this certificate would bring my skills up to the next level. In doing so, I have been using my passions and talents to help my community through Sandals Church in Riverside. I have been given the opportunity to minister to local shelters, facilitate Sunday School classrooms, and edit “The Wire,” our newsletter for local and global outreach. Sandals has given me opportunity to serve others while giving back to the community through deeds and work.
Even though I have made wonderful friendships and have really started to feel at home here in Riverside, God started calling me to break out of this comfort zone to work and serve overseas. In prayer for finding out which path I needed to follow after completing my degree, I was contacted by Pacific Islands Bible College (PIBC), a fully accredited four-year college and graduate-level seminary servicing four islands of Micronesia, including Guam.
After much prayer and consideration, I accepted a 2-year position as an English Instructor at PIBC. I will be working closely with the English department to facilitate tutoring, instruct introductory courses, and open a writing and resource center. Also, as a member of the Sandals’ global family, I will be supported further in my own spiritual needs. The tasks ahead will be nothing short of exhausting, but it is with God’s grace and strength that I will be able to take part in serving through my field of expertise.
With much technical support, I am now in need of spiritual and financial assistance. In order to keep the cost of attendance low and education accessible at PIBC, the university staff is funded by support from friends, family, and organizations.
In the past and coming months, my church, small group, and close friends have been and continue to be so helpful in planning fundraisers to help raise support. However, as the departure date draws near, I am still in need of financial assistance. Any amount that you could give would be a huge blessing to this ministry. It’s imperative that my income from sponsorship be approximately $1,600 per month, with over $8,000 to start out on. All donations collected will offset the cost of living expenses and provisions at a modest minimum wage level for the full-time PIBC position.
I am so excited to be able to work in an area that I’m passionate about while providing spiritual support for others. I fully believe that love is best shown through being the hands and feet of God, and because of this, I cannot wait to dedicate my time and talents to Micronesia. Thank you so much for your prayers and support!
Love always,
Jennifer Rydzik
I am writing to you on behalf of a dear friend of mine, Jen. Jen is leaving in a few months to serve in the missions field for the next 2 years. As you all know it takes a lot of spiritual and financial support to make this happen. As she nears the end of her time stateside she still has a LOT of funds to raise. Would you please prayerfully consider supporting her either spiritually or financially? I have her support sign up sheet and a detailed budget showing you where the money is going. Please let me know if you are interested and I can email you these forms! Any and all amounts are appreciated as they add up before you know it! Below is a letter from Jen sharing her heart for missions.
I hope this letter finds you well! This year has gone by fast, and amazing things have been happening in my life that I am excited to share with you all!
As most of you know, I have been working on my Creative Writing Certificate from Cal State San Bernardino. English and creative writing have been a passion of mine, and a field that I’ve been blessed to work in before.
Even though I finished my Bachelor’s in English last June, I really felt that this certificate would bring my skills up to the next level. In doing so, I have been using my passions and talents to help my community through Sandals Church in Riverside. I have been given the opportunity to minister to local shelters, facilitate Sunday School classrooms, and edit “The Wire,” our newsletter for local and global outreach. Sandals has given me opportunity to serve others while giving back to the community through deeds and work.
Even though I have made wonderful friendships and have really started to feel at home here in Riverside, God started calling me to break out of this comfort zone to work and serve overseas. In prayer for finding out which path I needed to follow after completing my degree, I was contacted by Pacific Islands Bible College (PIBC), a fully accredited four-year college and graduate-level seminary servicing four islands of Micronesia, including Guam.
After much prayer and consideration, I accepted a 2-year position as an English Instructor at PIBC. I will be working closely with the English department to facilitate tutoring, instruct introductory courses, and open a writing and resource center. Also, as a member of the Sandals’ global family, I will be supported further in my own spiritual needs. The tasks ahead will be nothing short of exhausting, but it is with God’s grace and strength that I will be able to take part in serving through my field of expertise.
With much technical support, I am now in need of spiritual and financial assistance. In order to keep the cost of attendance low and education accessible at PIBC, the university staff is funded by support from friends, family, and organizations.
In the past and coming months, my church, small group, and close friends have been and continue to be so helpful in planning fundraisers to help raise support. However, as the departure date draws near, I am still in need of financial assistance. Any amount that you could give would be a huge blessing to this ministry. It’s imperative that my income from sponsorship be approximately $1,600 per month, with over $8,000 to start out on. All donations collected will offset the cost of living expenses and provisions at a modest minimum wage level for the full-time PIBC position.
I am so excited to be able to work in an area that I’m passionate about while providing spiritual support for others. I fully believe that love is best shown through being the hands and feet of God, and because of this, I cannot wait to dedicate my time and talents to Micronesia. Thank you so much for your prayers and support!
Love always,
Jennifer Rydzik
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Family Nights
When Mark and I decided that we were moving to TX one of our selling points is that we would be able to spend more time together as a family since I would not need to work. We started having Tuesday Family Nights as our special one night a week to do what the kids choose. We usually go out to eat because the community resturants have "kids eat free" on Tuesdays and you know I am always looking to save some money.
This week we ended up at McDonald's becuase my Mom send the boys gift card to here for Easter. It is their favorite place and as you can see they were very happy! They ordered their own food and payed for too! I had to chip in cause they eat adult meals now that cost more than kids meals!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Random fun over the last couple weeks

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Camping part 2

We are scheduled to go back in June for Fathers Day! Dont know if we can wait that long for another trip, we had so much fun as a family. The kids got to run wild, play with other kids, ride their bikes and scooters all over the eat eat. The work NO was not said very much! :-)
Weekend of Camping!
Here are some pics of our camping weekend. Were were out there for 4 days three nights. Had a blast! Enjoy:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Another 1st!

Monday, April 13, 2009
Fun.... at the Funches House
This young guy is at our house alot. He and Marcus are friends. They go to school together. The last time he was here he asked if I had a wig. He was SHOCKED when I told him I did. So he put it on and was a great sport for me to take a pic of him. Fun times at the Funches House! You just never what we are up to.

Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter....HE is Risen!
Today started off with a great Easter service at church. Worship was awesome, moving, and got right to my heart. After church we BBQed in the rain some Carne Asada and it was yummy! Then we had an Easter Egg hunt in our front yards. Over 200 eggs for three kids!
Tarrance and Maria joined us for the day along with Dayna. Maria got here this morning and Tarrance came over when he got out of work!
Mark and Zachery decided to practice casting their new fishing poles (courtesy of my Uncle Jimmy!)in the front yard as if it were a lake. I mean I know it was raining and all but there was no water in sight!

Friday, April 10, 2009
Tress are all gone.....almost
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