The last two days have been work, dinner, reading, some TV and then bed. Back to the grind of life. Exept now we are in TX and not Cali. I am still enjoying my job, today I spent the whole day reconciling a dental bill that has over 600 employees on it. Nightmare! When my boss told me that the bills where the most challenging part of the job she was not kidding. Today I got a taste of it. But it is better than trying to figure out the payroll journal entry for this many employees. Mark is still looking for work. In the mean time he is making good progress on the little things around the house. This week he is focusing on getting quotes for the roof so we can get it done; Hopefully before he goes to work! We are still letting the boys grow out their hair. Can you see how long it is? Mark spiked it up for them yesterday morning before they went to camp, they loved it. Can you see the yard in the back round? That is part of the front yard.
I love the yard, the hair, and your Texas adventures :)
Oh my gosh the boys look incredibly handsome. We sure missed you at small group last night! We just think you are a wonderwoman! or was it a "crazy" woman??? ANyways, we missed you.
We always do. Love you lots.
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