I walked out, waited for my old boss to walk me to my office. I gave her my badge and collected my few personal items and out the door I went. Just like that, with no warning, I am without a job. I am not bitter. I do feel cheated cause I came into the office and it was a task to get it up to par and now I don't get to see the benefit of cleaning it all up. The company is changing, growing, and I just hope and pray that Mark will be safe from loosing his job too.

Please pray that God would reveal what I should be doing now that I am starting over. Should I be working? Should I be volunteering somewhere? Should I be going to school? What is in the next chapter for me?
Well, what timing for you to lose your job. You know all of you are in my prayers not just for jobs or volunteering, but for good friends as it seems you have and a church family that are there for the family.
I hope you are your mom have a great visit and the weather stay beautiful.
Thanks for resending the blog address.
Angie- this is such a blessing! I see, with the unemployment, that this is a really BIG blessing since its totally legit to receive unemployment from CA even though you are in the south! That's awesome, but kind of weird that the state does that! either way, way cool. Also- remember when you got a job and we were all like...Angie!! Maybe you can break up your time so you don't get bored. I'll be praying for God to keep revealing the plan to you. We need to get together and pray, or at least talk and pray. I love and miss you!
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