Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fundraiser Done!

Marcus and I went out this afternoon and finished up with the fundraisers. We were able to sell over $300 for both boys. It took alot of walking and talking to get it done, but thank the Lord it is done!

Tonight we started our first fire in the fireplace. We didn't open the flute before we started it so of course the house filled with smoke quickly. We opened the windows and doors and the house cleared up quickly. We learned our lesson. We have not had a fire place for over 9 nears so we are new at this. We need to learn quickly as this is going to be how we warm our house this winter. The boys helped start it and they used what they just learned in Boy Scouts to do it!
Tomorrow I am going to start cleaning the yards. There are pine needles thick all over. It will take me a week, but I need to start time. :-(

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