I cant believe it has been 5 days since I posted! We have been pretty busy. On Saturday we had our hands full cause Chloe went into heat. We were not expecting that. We had an appointment for her to get fixed on Monday, we knew the time was getting close. So we had to keep her outside and chained up all day and night. That was hard for us since we bring them in at night. Sat afternoon we took the boys fishing and Zachery had fun skipping rocks. Good times at the lake!
After the lake we went to Sears and exchanged our yard tool for a new one. I love the fact that Ozell bought us Craftsman tools and when they break, for whatever reason, we can take them back for nice, new, clean ones.No questions asked. And of course I love that is was FFRREE.
Sunday was church and it was great. We are really starting to fit in and connect with people. Sunday evening we went to a birthday party for Linda, from church, and had a good time hanging out with everyone. It was a pot luck so there was lots of good food. They even had an Olympics set up for the kids. It was great. We were there till after 9! Late for a Sunday when we had to go to work the next morning.
Mark started his job Monday at SRT. He likes it. He is starting to get the hang of working on big semi trucks. Its not the same as low riders!! He said he forgot how much is sucks to work with fiberglass. Please pray we figure out a way to keep the fiberglass from his skin. He needs some of the white coveralls he used to have at Sierra Aluminum. If any of you reading this are from Sierra, show Mark some love and send him some of those!
We dropped Chloe off Monday AM to get fixed. We had to leave her overnight, sad. I picked her up after work on Tuesday and now she is at home. Glad that is over!
The boys have been making. Marcus has his friend coming over this Sunday. He is the same age and just got a Wii so they will be playing that from start to finish I am sure. Zachery got his first B-day party invite for next Friday. They are both so happy to be connecting and making friends.
Tomorrow night Amanda and her two kids will be coming over to hang out with us and have dinner. Our husbands are off together with the men of church at the men's conference. I figured it was the perfect time to try and connect with her.