Dear God,
Please give Mark, Miss Sorsby, and I the patience and wisdom to help Zachery through another year of school. Please give Zachery the ability to sit when asked and the patience to focus on his school work so he can learn. Please help Zachery to enjoy his recess times and burn as much energy as he possible can so he stays out of trouble with his teacher and classmates. Lord, I know that only with you, are these things possible. We trust in you for the skills we need to raise our little Zachery who we love so dearly. In Jesus's name we pray, Amen.
How is Zachery doing in school now that the first week's over? ~Laura C.
Good! I have not gotten another note yet! Week after next I start volenteering in their classrooms on Wednesdays.... I should be able to get a good idea of what is going on!!!
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