The look on her face was mortified. Not that she was embarrassed by what she said but by the fact that she offended me. I told her how good Mark was to me and our boys and that I am so thankful for him. Most of you know that when I get nervous I start to giggle and cry from the laughing, that is what she did. So I know she felt bad. She just kept looking at me like she wanted to say something. But she didn't. I did tell her (with a smile) that if she would have come to look at the picture of my boys on my desk, she would have known they were mixed.
I got home and told Mark about this and he was so humble and he just reminded me that we live in the south now and its not like Cali. I knew this when we came here, just hoped I would not have to deal with it. I told Mark I was waiting for her to apologize but then I said to him that I guess I should not expect that cause she was sharing from her heart and this really is how she feels. Isn't that what Sandals taught me? To be real with others, myself, and God? I just happened to be on the offended side of this one. Now all I can do is pray that God will work on her heart tonight and every night, and maybe she will start to look at "racial" marriages differently. I have already forgiven her, and will continue to talk to her. I hope I can show her that it does not matter what color we are or the color of who we marry, God loves us all equally. Maybe this is part of why God sent us here??
Good News: I will be on the SRT payroll effective Monday and I got an increase in pay. Not what I was hoping for, but it will do for now. Yea!! I really do like my job!
Yikes Angie! I'm sorry.
Congrats on the good news! Hey, about the south- a lot of people there are ignorant. A LOT. For no reason, in 2nd grade, I thought I couldnt be friends with black people and wasnt supposed to like them for all kinds of reasons. I was so ignorant but just remember that thats all it is. A lot of schools are still segregated and UGH- just thinking about all the ignorance bugs me! You and Mark will change a lot of opinions. Love you guys!
Wow! Amazing... I get it all the time from my clients and I have had a client not come back to me because she found out Melvin was black. It's crazy how people are still stuck on that issue but like you said all we can do is realy pray for those people!!
Anyways... Congrats on the job increase! I'm excited for you! :)
I will keep her in my prayers as well. You know where I come from and what I have had to deal with. I love you all and you have a very supportive family. Tell them that!!!
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